The Alpine space is complex because it is viewed not disinterestedly from different quarters, giving rise to numerous developments, such as mobility infrastructures, diffuse urbanization, tourist infrastructures and energy production. All of which contrasts with the emblematic landscapes carved out by the farming civilization of yesteryear. If we are to consider the challenges of rapid economic development, increased tourism, climate dependency and energy crisis, a holistic approach is required. The cross-disciplinary and transnational elop* project aims to propose development strategies for the long-term preservation of this valuable landscape.
As part of the elop* project, strategies and projects will be elaborated for the cross-border territory of Martigny-Finhaut-Chamonix. Students will put forward a vision and (sustainable) development projects for this Alpine region that take into account the area’s special features, with a view to strengthening in the future: the identity, the independence and the coherence of mountain territories.
> Reader elop*7 Alpine Mutations - focus Finhaut
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